Digging for Gold in Tahoe with Mark McMorris, and Danny Davis
It so happened during March of 2013 that Danny Davis was home in Lake Tahoe for a few days with Mark McMorris. I was passing through town in between other missions. With a quick coordination of schedules we decided on hiking up Donner Summit to build up a backcountry quarterpipe and made a day of it; complete with barbecue, beverages, bros and shovels.

Danny and Mark took it upon themselves to load the toboggan full of supplies and skin it up the mountain to our final destination. Hunkered down at a campsite stocked with food, music, extra boards and stoke, we got to shoveling a classic spot to our specs, creating a fine ramp sure to provide air time for this daring crowd of shredders.

Sure enough, the feature worked and the dudes threw down straight air tweakers, flips and spins; complemented by a healthy dose of media personnel and bros getting some with low flying maneuvers full of laughter, all under the campfire scent of delicious patties a cookin’.
The ingredients are there, and the recipe is simple. Snow, shovel, food, and friends—now go find a spot and put your own party together. Doesn’t have to be the deepest dump or biggest jump, but I guarantee it’ll rank right up there with your most epic days ever. ∆