Fall in Vermont, the Burton Way
Fall provides so much to get psyched about: changing colors, cooler weather, and the promise of winter right around the corner. For Vermonters, there’s nothing like experiencing the season in our own backyard. But while some use this time to subsist solely on pumpkin spice, we get after autumn in our own way. In this case, that meant cruising down to a family cabin in Southern Vermont for some apple-picking, cider-pressing, axe-wielding, bonfire-building fun.
Forget paying a fee to fill up a basket with orchard apples. We foraged from the trees surrounding the cabin, then created our own fresh-pressed cider. Popular mix-ins for our crew were maple syrup bought from neighboring Sugar Bob’s front porch, cinnamon sticks, or something a bit stronger when the temps dropped.

When the sun was getting low in the sky, we chopped wood, gathered brush, and made the biggest bonfire we could muster. This was no easy task, but as the saying goes: chop your own wood and it’ll heat you twice. We shed a few layers in the process and had warmth well into the night.
Next time you want to fully embrace the changing seasons, consider skipping the usual route and finding your own way. We promise it’ll be more memorable than a latte. ∆