Park Progression 101—Spring is for Snowboarding
A warm spring day isn’t just fun to snowboard, it’s a perfect time to dial in some progression. There is a common misconception floating around out there that if there isn’t fresh snow, or if it's not January or February, then the snow won’t be worth riding on. But a warm spring day can be the most fun environment for trying new things, like park riding.
The combination of sunshine and warmer temperatures makes for some great slushy snow conditions. This creates a fun and forgiving snow consistency for both learning how to ride park or improving your skills in this zone. Don't forget: Assembling a solid crew of girlfriends to push each other amounts to what can be considered Progression 101.
Yeah, powder is awesome, but we can honestly say that there are days we believe that spring riding is the best riding.

Set goals.
Anyone can find a line through the park—no matter what your skill level may be—and pick a couple fun tricks to learn. If the park is new to you, don’t be afraid to ride through and check it out. While you do it, set some springtime goals, take turns watching each other drop and push yourselves to keep learning new things. The best part about spring shredding? Falling on soft, mushy snow doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as it would in the middle of the winter. At the end of the day, even falling is progressing, and if you pair that with a positive attitude, the possibilities are endless.
Anyone can find a line through the park, no matter what the skill level may be, and pick a couple fun tricks to learn.

Be prepared.
The warmer springtime weather also means it's comfortable enough to spend time outside long after you're done snowboarding. Bringing the après adventures outside with a parking lot party, roasting hot dogs and sharing stories with each other about the days’ events under the afternoon sun is so rewarding. Always bring extras and you'll make a lot of friends.

Get out there.
Sometimes it isn't always easy to learn new things in the park on your own, which is why it's great to have a crew of awesome ladies to egg you on. The most important step to taking advantage of spring riding is pushing yourself to get out there. Look around and see if there are any women's camps near you that you can rally some friends to join you at. There are a handful that start up in the spring. You'll find us at Park Affair in April.
Park Affair is a women-only park progression camp held in the springtime and organized by our friends at White Flag Sales. Park Affair gives campers the opportunity to ride a progression park designed specifically for them, in a safe space without the pressure of other people watching. Snowboarding in the park can feel like a boys club, but spending the weekend at Park Affair negates just that.

The camp is held in Burtons’ own Vermont backyard at Mt. Snow and will feature immensely talented coaches from Mascara Militia and other strong female riders from the East Coast. The camp is a great introduction to the park for beginners, and gives more experienced female park riders the ability to hone their skills. Overall it's a fun weekend to get together with like-minded women to hang out, ride, do some yoga, and enjoy après.
If you can't make it to a women's progression camp like Park Affair, that doesn't mean you aren't able to keep learning. We are always posting trick tips and tutorials, and no matter what mountain you're at, there are bound to be talented riders out there that are willing to give you a pointer or two. All that's left now is to get out there and enjoy all spring has to offer. We'll see you in the park!

Park Affair: April 2-3
Follow @newomensnow and @whiteflagsales for #ParkAffair16 updates! ∆