Street Snowboarding and Street Food = Burton Presents Ep 2: Street Meat
To pro snowboarders, Zak Hale and Ethan Deiss, life in the streets is a full time job.
As street riders, Zak and Ethan spend their winters away from the resorts, hucking their meat down handrails, walls, stairs, and whatever they can find in the concrete jungle. Getting a clip in the streets is always a challenge, and they often find themselves getting served up on a silver platter. It's weird that there's never been a street edit called "Street Meat." So when these guys swung through San Francisco, one of the street food capitals of the world, to meet up with the rest of the team, we saw an opportunity.

Zak and Ethan found a place to rent these hilarious looking go-karts to trek around the city in. They were small, three-wheeled, and low to the ground. The karts weren’t super quick or powerful, so navigating the hills around town became an immediate challenge. At least they made it down Lombard Street.

We popped up right near SoMa StrEat Food Park in the heart of town. They call it a culinary carnival, and it really does have a carney vibe, with different food vendors lined up around an open eating area. Stomachs still had some settling to do after a long night, but this was a good start to the day.
Inevitably, we landed in the Mission district, where more DIY street food operations could be found. Edible grabs from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds sit right on the sidewalk around every corner. Fruit with hot sauce, churros, empanadas, sausages and burgers abound. If your mission is to sample as many kinds of street meat as possible in one day, this is a great place to start.

A local gave us a tip on a place called Treasure Island, where we were lucky enough to find more meat at a cart called Mateo’s Churros. We hung out, watched a nearby family of raccoons doing some housekeeping on their resident dumpster, and said goodnight to the city. ∆